

Family Health Psychiatric & Counseling Center is locally owned and operated. Our professional staff are all respected and qualified in their area of training. All are licensed to practice within their respective areas of training.


Psychiatric Evaluation

A Psychiatric Evaluation is often a necessary first step to diagnosing behavioral health issues. This assessment is simply the process of diagnosing emotional, developmental or behavioral disorders with the intent of deciding the best course of action. This assessment can provide a picture of current emotional health and social well-being which can then be used to determine the treatment plan.

Medication Management

Medication Management begins with a Psychiatric Evaluation. Understanding your psychiatric diagnosis is important in the understanding of treatments being offered. This assessment helps determine the right medication to relieve the symptoms you are experiencing. Through your course of treatment you will be monitored closely with medication management appointments to not only ensure that the medication is providing the desired results, but to also watch for unexpected adverse side effects. Due to the different chemical make-up of each patient, a medication that works well for one patient will not always work the same for another. Medication management can involve a careful system of trials and adjustments.


Individual psychotherapy  is the joint process between the person in therapy and the therapist, both seeking a common goal in a confidential, caring, and safe environment. Psychotherapy is also used to overcome life problems that are not necessarily categorized as a mental illness. In the realm of psychotherapy, goals cover a wide range of topics as determined by each patient such as change, inspire, or improve the quality of life, help with life issues that are hard to face alone, increasing positive feelings (self-esteem, compassion), learning to handle difficult situations (depression, anxiety), making healthy decisions, reaching life goals, and becoming self-aware and continuation of self-growth.

Family psychotherapy  is designed to reduce distress and conflict between two or more family members by improving the quality of their interactions. This form of psychotherapy can be done with all affected family members in the same room at the same time or possibly with individual sessions, depending on the unique situation they are seeking to address. All families go through rough times. Stress, anger, and grief can affect all areas of life. Trouble at work or school, or just trouble managing everyday interactions with other people can be brought about by not coping with daily struggles effectively.

Marriage counseling  is most often short term and includes both partners, but occasionally, one partner will choose to work with the therapist alone. The situation determines the specific treatment plan.

Relationships can be hard. Marriages require work to survive. Sometimes, couples need a little help with strengthening or rebuilding their relationships. While most marriage counseling is sought out due to troubled relationships, some couples might just be seeking a deeper understanding of their partner or want to work on rejuvenating their partnership.


Treatment areas include but are not limited to:

Depression, anxiety disorders, stress management, marital/relationship issues, behavioral and discipline problems with children and adolescents, grief & loss, adjustment issues, personality disorders, geriatric population.